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5 Strategies For Fast, High-Quality Software Development


8 min read

Our enterprise clients often agree that the faster a software development process is completed, the better. Even though being quick to respond is important, asking for a shorter turnaround time can make the product less good.

A technology leader must constantly maintain the highest level of quality and productivity. In this regard, we asked our business analysts, project managers, and QA engineers for their opinions on how to increase the pace and quality of the development process. This section contains their most intelligent observations.

The ultimate goal of every technical implementation should be to create business value. When exploring the potential impact of digital transformation, you should focus on value creation, not the cost of the technology itself. You should answer the question, “Is it worth delaying the digital transformation timeline?”

What Is Most Important In Software Development?

Testing the quality of an application is not the most important part of development processes, but it is an essential element. Software quality should be the norm, not the exception, for any software development company to thrive.

  • Software quality has a direct impact on its reliability. Reduced reliability is a direct consequence of more rework and a lower output product quality. When you take the time to do things right the first time, you will notice better efficiency, less waste, and more consistent results from software development processes.
  • One of the most valuable assets of a company is its reputation, but it is hard to earn and easy to destroy. Just one mistake that gives users a bad impression will hurt sales and, in the end, your profits.
  • Having purchased a quality product, the customer is satisfied. A satisfied customer comes back and often recommends you to others. The quality of the software produced and the services offered is crucial to retaining loyal customers. So quality assurance is an important part of the software development process. Positive reviews can spread quickly through social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Negative reviews that communicate dissatisfaction with the quality of the product spread even faster than positive ones.

In general, the quality of software development affects all aspects of the process. Successful project management and quality assurance lead to stable and productive work, happy employees, a good reputation, and satisfied customers. All this affects the final result.

X Strategies to Improve Software Development Quality

One of the most important tasks in software development is to detect and solve defects.To do so you must define the software scope is very important to do this at an early stage so that there are no last-minute changes or misunderstandings. In addition, it ensures that everyone is on the same page.

Define The Software Scope

The software scope includes features, functionality, deliverables, timelines, milestones, documentation, and budget. It should also take into account the development strategy you plan to apply. The scope should include your preferred approach (we recommend Agile, but there are exceptions).

A clearly defined software scope not only helps make sure that the software is well developed but also may speed up the process.

It is very important that you create a solid foundation for your application. Before starting the project, establish the software scope by detailing the required infrastructure, methodology, technology, and other variables.

Follow The Agile Approach

The iterative, incremental process of software development, known as “agile,” has proven to be a successful strategy for creating high-quality products. The agile approach is known for how much it focuses on quick changes and getting the most done.

Why is agile development such a great strategy for delivering timely and high-quality results? Several elements play a role in this.

One argument is that it facilitates effective change management. You can distribute updates and use feedback to develop future versions. In an agile environment, there is also less work to redo if the quality of the software or product doesn’t meet the criteria.

Outsource To An Established Firm

Nothing beats outsourcing software development in terms of lead time and final product quality. Since the 1980s, tech titans like IBM and FDS have used this strategy to bridge technology gaps.

By contracting with a software development team in another country, you gain access to the knowledge and experience of a company that has likely completed similar projects in the past. They bring with them a wealth of experience in project management, process simplification, and workflow optimization accumulated over the years. They also have all quality controls to handle any issues that may arise during the development process.

Before releasing code to their clients, offshore outsourcing organizations conduct extensive quality testing to ensure that their products function properly. In addition, they have project managers who make sure that everything is completed on time.

You can give them the job of making the software, so you can focus on running the business.

Overall, working with an offshore software development company can result in both speed up process and higher product quality. However, you should be very careful when choosing a software development partner.

Invite the Customer Into the Development Process

Continuous customer feedback is the best incentive for the product and technical teams to develop the application and identify new use cases. When there is a long distance between you doing market research and process development software, the development cycle tends to get longer.

However, the saying “the faster, the better” is not ubiquitous. Regular, phased delivery to end users, taking into account scope, timing, and quality, will lead to continuous integrations and development. A single release can focus on features, user experience, and performance. Priorities should be shifted based on what people need now.

Have a risk register

Risk register is one of the most effective risk management tools. A risk register may be associated with financial auditing, but it is just as important in software development. It is as if you would code development process.

The purpose of a risk register is to provide everyone working on a software project with a list of clearly identified risks, as well as an assessment of the significance of each risk to the completion of the project. A risk register is essential for software quality because it motivates proactive efforts to reduce possible hazards.

For each risk, the software application development process risk register should contain the following information: a description of the risk, the date of its identification, the probability of the risk occurring and any plans to mitigate it, the severity of the impact, the person or persons responsible for assessing and responding to the risk, the action plan in case the risk is realized, the current status of the risk, the assessment of the negative impact, and the risk’s severity rating.

Add-on Tips For Faster & Quality Software Development

Below are some ideas for your software dev process that you can apply to improve quality and efficiency. However, they are by no means the only ones. A sequence of short, simple actions can increase the overall efficiency and effectiveness of your development cycle, as well as the quality of your code and your software time to market.

In addition to the above strategies, you can also use the following tips to get up the speed of software development without sacrificing quality:

  • Prioritize product features. All software product owners strive to expand functionality. The reasons why they want to do so vary. Trying to integrate all the features in the world into one application can lead to disaster. The most effective way to solve the problem is to prioritize software features based on the immediate needs of customers.
  • Plan for the correction of errors. Mistakes in the software development process are inevitable. If you have made a mistake, understanding how to correct your course can help you survive. To do this, you need to be able to anticipate all possible mistakes.
  • Hold meetings regularly. Meeting regularly with your software development team members is a smart practice if you want to finish high-quality software development projects faster. Make sure you are in contact with your team and check in regularly, whether this is through daily scrum meetings or personal phone calls with software engineers and others.
  • Launch an MVP first. MVP development starts with publishing a stripped-down but working version of the product, similar to how feature prioritization works. Besides the obvious time and money savings, creating an MVP has other benefits, especially for new companies. You can test your monetization strategy, gauge market interest in your product, and constantly make adjustments based on what you learn from a user development test.
  • Automatization. When the pandemic started, everyone was forced to stay at home. Many organizations have experimented with automation to ensure proper functioning. It seems that this will not go away anytime soon. Automation tools can be used to test codes, increasing both the quality and speed of development.
  • Test early. The phrase “technical debt” refers to time and effort wasted when a less-than-ideal solution is chosen in order to get ahead faster. This is not necessarily a bad thing if it is done wisely and with a plan to compensate for it later. Use testing automation, for instance. The alternative is greater system complexity as a result of technical debt. You can try to save time and effort for a while, but eventually, you will have to face the consequences of your actions. By then, the situation will be deteriorating rapidly. As a result, wherever possible, it is always better to create accurate code from the start of your high quality software development.


Forward-thinking technical leaders are looking for ways to improve the quality of their software while speeding up the development process. They often ask us: what is software development process?

Companies can achieve their goals by outsourcing, adopting an agile approach, defining the scope of the software, and prioritizing immediate activities. These strategies can also help businesses better meet market needs and gain an edge over their competitors.

If you decide to outsource to us, you will have access to a team of experts who work tirelessly to create software that will impress your customers and have a reliable quality assurance process. We offer to outsource for software development, but you can also hire a team of developers or programmers to fill in the gaps in your current technology.

Our sure competitive advantage is that we have completed large projects in a relatively short period of time. To get started, please contact us so that we can discuss your requirements and the scope of the application you want to create.


How can I speed up my software development process?

By focusing on these four areas, you can significantly speed up your development processes:

  • Prepare a detailed strategy for creating new products. Product strategy is the foundation of any business and software development team, including product managers.
  • Create a more efficient and adaptive operating system, such as Agile.
  • Automate more.
  • All processes should be documented.

How to create high-quality software?

The absence of bugs signifies that you build software well (and a shorter tail for fixing the remaining problems). Readability, maintainability, debuggability, and so on are just some of the many aspects that can be classified as “quality”. Follow our blog for lots of advice on how to make high-quality products. Finally, outsource your project to us!

What are software development strategies?

The software strategy is defined. A company’s software strategy is its entire approach to using software in its operations, hardware, hosting, IT infrastructure, etc. Software strategy addresses questions such as what technology stack to use — languages, frameworks, and tools, and what to do for speeding up software development.

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