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DevOps as a Service: Transforming Your Business Infrastructure


11 min read

Software projects often suffer from an inefficient product development cycle. The major bottlenecks occur during code changes, testing changes, and deployment. The lack of coordination among team members leads to missed project deadlines. This results in client dissatisfaction and a loss of trust in the development team.

DevOps, or development and operations, allows you to set up a smooth software development process. It automates the software assembly, configuration, and deployment and helps avoid downtimes between project phases.

DevOps as a service is an approach to set up a DevOps pipeline quickly and efficiently with minimum effort from your side.

DevOps is a methodology that facilitates interaction between developers, testers, and other IT specialists by automating software development and deployment processes.

DevOps as a Service is a way to organize DevOps using external platforms and providers.

In other words, DevOps as a Service is the automation of development processes, not through your in-house efforts but with the help of third-party expertise.

DevOps as a Service includes the same practices as traditional DevOps, with the only difference being that they are provided by external contractors rather than your in-house team.

As a part of DevOps services, you can set up the following:

Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD). Most modern applications are developed using different platforms and tools, so a mechanism for integrating and deploying code changes is needed. Continuous integration is a practice that involves making small changes to code with frequent commits. Continuous delivery is a way to automate the deployment of applications to different environments, including production, development, and test environments. By using CI/CD DevOps practices, you can streamline the software development process and ensure faster delivery of new features.

Test automation. In the CI/CD process, automated tests are executed with every change to the code base. This allows for the immediate detection and elimination of critical errors before they escalate into major problems. While traditional CI/CD processes lack manual testing, in reality, manual testing is often conducted following automated testing to address interface and usability-related errors.

Infrastructure as a Сode (IaaC). Today development processes tend to eliminate manual work that is time-consuming and error-prone. Infrastructure as a Code allows you to configure IT infrastructure and manage virtual machines at the software level. By using IaaC, you can create a highly flexible and scalable IT environment. Speed and cost-effectiveness are the primary advantages of IaaC over traditional IT infrastructure.

Cloud services. The essence of managed DevOps services is to automate product development steps remotely. This is realized through cloud solutions that allow configuring infrastructure, development environments, code commits, and deployments using third-party resources. There are many cloud providers on the market now. At DashDevs, we mostly work with AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud to set up an effective DevOps model for our clients.

Monitoring and logging. Software owners must be up to date regarding the software performance and problems that prevent normal software functioning. DevOps solution providers can set up an effective monitoring system that will quickly respond to any glitches and alarm administrators to take the necessary steps in response. In addition, the logging system will allow you to analyze the error history, identify bottlenecks, and eliminate these bottlenecks swiftly.

Secure software development lifecycle (SDLC). Security is a top priority for companies that value their reputation and aim for rapid growth. To create a truly secure and resilient app, it is essential to incorporate security practices throughout the entire product development cycle. A DevOps service provider can ensure the implementation of these security practices, such as continuous integration, automated testing, and vulnerability scanning. This will help ensure that you have a secure application from the start, eliminating the need to address security practices after the product is implemented.

Looking for a reliable DevOps as a Service provider?
DashDevs can provide expert DevOps services

Why do you need DevOps services?

In short, you need DevOps services to automate the software development process and prevent critical errors before the software is released.

Why is automation important? Because it allows you to detect errors in the code early on and minimize the presence of errors in production.

The US National Institute of Standards (NIST) states that the cost of fixing an error at the final stage is 30 to 100 times higher than at the design stage.

Reasons to order DevOps services

Thus, the primary reason for adopting the DevOps model is to create a high-quality, bug-free software product within a defined budget.

When to Adopt DevOps as a Service Model?

The DevOps as a Service model is ideal for you if you have:

A rapidly growing business.At the growth stage, businesses may struggle to handle all technological processes. Acting swiftly and making the right technological decisions is vital. External experts, such as a DevOps as a Service company, can provide valuable assistance. Even if you’re not prepared to hire a DevOps team right away, you can seek consultation to receive practical recommendations on establishing your company’s DevOps cycle.

Lack of in-house expertise. In order to establish DevOps processes, it’s important to have an experienced specialist with a strong understanding of modern DevOps technologies. However, companies may not always have these experts on their internal team, and hiring full-time employees for this purpose may not be practical. By collaborating with a DevOps as a Service company, you can gain rapid access to specialized talent who can efficiently set up DevOps processes tailored to your business needs.

Time constraints. There are times when you need DevOps services right away. However, hiring in-house specialists takes a lot of time, and there’s no guarantee that new employees will be able to quickly set up what you need. A DevOps company can promptly adress your needs because they have extensive experience in the industry and a large internal team of senior experts.

When you need DevOps as a Service

DevOps as a Service vs. In-House DevOps

DevOps is an integral part of the modern software development lifecycle. There are two ways to implement DevOps in your company: use in-house expertise or partner with an external DevOps company.

Both methods work. You need to choose the one that best suits your business needs.

In-house DevOps: pros and cons

To organize in-house DevOps, you need to hire specialists with the relevant experience and expertise. Such specialists will work exclusively for your company and customize processes depending on your needs.

In-house DevOps pros

Full control. You can manage the DevOps process and guide your DevOps engineers. You can be sure that your DevOps team will work solely on your project.

Seamless collaboration. An internal DevOps team can work more closely with other departments. This can contribute to transparent communication and potentially to efficient problem-solving.

Good business understanding. As part of your team, DevOps engineers are supposed to have a good understanding of your business. You can expect them to come up with solutions that are closely aligned with your business needs.

Independence from external resources. With in-house experts, you will not depend on external DevOps consulting companies and may adjust the DevOps processes the way you like.

Immediate availability. In-house DevOps teams are readily available to address any of your requests. You are free to prioritize tasks and change the development flows.

In-house DevOps cons

High costs. According to Glassdoor, DevOps engineering is considered one of the best and most highly paid tech jobs. The average salary of a DevOps engineer is $140K a year. For you, as a business owner, this means quite significant regular payments, especially if your DevOps team consists of several experts.

DevOps costs

Lack of the right talents. According to Gartner, people issues are one of the biggest challenges for organizations to expand the use of DevOps. Finding the right specialists may be a challenging and time-consuming process. If you have a limited budget, the task may be more difficult because mid-level or senior-level specialists may not meet your needs.

Resources for training and development. In addition to salary costs, you will need to invest in regular training and professional development for your team. You should consider this when deciding on in-house DevOps vs. DevOps as a Service.

Limited expertise. In-house teams may have limited experience in different projects and domains. On the contrary, DevOps companies that work with diverse clients can bring a broader range of experience and best DevOps practices.

Risk of burnout. In-house teams dedicated solely to one company may face a higher risk of burnout due to repetitive tasks and lack of variety in their work. DevOps as a Service companies can rotate staff between different clients and tasks, ensuring continuous learning and engagement. 

DevOps as a Service: pros and cons

DevOps as a managed service allows you to use the expertise of third-party specialists to set up DevOps processes within your organization. You can opt for this service by partnering with one of the DevOps as a Service providers available on the market.

DevOps as a Service pros

Cost-effectiveness. Unless you are a large corporation, you will hardly need a DevOps team working full time. In most cases, it will be enough to have a specialist who will set up DevOps processes and monitor them to ensure they run smoothly and benefit your organization. A DevOps services company can provide you with top-notch experts who will work part-time or full-time on your project. This way, you can save money and, at the same time, receive high-quality cloud DevOps services.

Vetted DevOps talents. DevOps as a Service providers have large in-house teams of experienced and proven DevOps specialists. Upon your request, they will quickly bring in the necessary talent. You will then have the opportunity to meet the hand-picked individuals and select the ones you prefer. Additionally, at your request, service providers can swiftly recruit top DevOps experts.

Quick start of the project. Upon signing the contract, the DevOps company promptly initiates the implementation of your project. The added benefit is that skilled professionals handle the establishment of DevOps processes. As a result, you won’t have to spend time on training and can expect fast, high-quality results without delay.

Effortless project scalability. DevOps service providers are ready to meet any of your project needs. Whether you need to extend or cut the team, this can be done quickly and effortlessly. Additionally, mature professionals can adjust and scale your DevOps cloud management platform as your software development projects evolve. You can be sure your CI/CD cycle works like clockwork no matter how often and fast the code changes are committed.

Professional advice. You may have in-house resources but lack the technical guidance to organize them effectively. DevOps consulting companies can assess your existing IT infrastructure and project requirements. They can create a detailed DevOps process plan that you can then implement on your own.

DevOps as a Service cons

Less control. When using third-party resources for DevOps platform development, you might have less control over DevOps processes compared to an in-house team. However, if you clearly define project roles and reporting processes with your vendor, you won’t have issues with project control. You will be able to manage the remote DevOps team just as you would manage internal staff.

Communication challenges. When your team sits in the next office, it’s one thing. When it’s overseas, it’s another. However, in times when remote work mode has become commonplace, setting up communication with remote experts is not that difficult. All you need to do is establish communication channels, regular meetings, and a procedure for resolving urgent issues. Top DevOps companies have such channels defined and established. Therefore, you can be sure that any of your requests will be addressed immediately.

Security concerns. Many organizations hesitate to outsource DevOps processes because they don’t want to disclose the details of their project to third parties. Such concerns, however, are easily resolved by signing a contract that clearly defines the rights and obligations of each party. In addition, signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) ensures that all your business secrets remain between you and your vendor.

Dependency on DevOps services provider. DevOps as a Service involves collaborating with a third-party DevOps company and relying on it to some extent. However, concerns only arise if you have chosen the wrong DevOps service provider. If you have confidence in your partner and their expertise, you have nothing to worry about. The DevOps solutions company will fulfill its obligations reliably and efficiently according to the signed contract and the agreed scope of work.

Culture fit. A DevOps agency, especially if it is located in another country, may have different ideas about work ethics and professional communication styles. To avoid critical differences between you and your technology partner, choose the DevOps company carefully. Talk to their representatives and find out all the details of your collaboration. By collecting detailed information from the start, you can avoid unpleasant surprises in the future.

DevOps as a Service vs. In-House DevOps: Comparison Table

ParameterDevOps as a ServiceIn-house DevOps
DevOps expertiseExtensive across domains and toolsOften limited by specific project or technology
CostsAffordable, tailored to your actual needsHigh, including salaries, bonus payments, training costs, etc.
SecurityIncreased risks. You must choose reliable service providerLow security risks
Access to DevOps talentsFastSlow
Project startImmediatePostponed
Dependency on third-party vendorHighNone

How to choose a reliable DevOps company

Choosing the right DevOps provider is key to adopting the DevOps as a service model. When looking for a technology partner, take your time. Research, analyze, and communicate. After contacting several companies, make an informed decision.

Here are some tips to find the best DevOps service company:

  • Send request for proposal (RFP). Compose an RFP so that your project requirements and team expectations are clear. Send RFP to multiple vendors. Assess received proposals and choose a few DevOps companies to proceed with.
  • Understand the company’s expertise. It is better to choose a DevOps company with proven expertise in your domain. For example, if you develop fintech products, a fintech service company will serve you best. This is because they understand the specific regulatory requirements, security concerns, and operational challenges unique to the given industry.
  • Check the company’s portfolio. The best way to understand what a company is capable of is to evaluate its completed projects. Companies do not disclose many projects due to the signed NDA. However, you can see some of the completed projects on the company’s website.
  • Gather information about the company from external resources. Look at ratings and reviews about the company on reputable platforms such as Clutch, G2, or TopDevelopers. Go to the company’s LinkedIn page, and also track the company’s activity in conferences and other external events.
  • Contact DevOps company representatives. Talk to C-level specialists and direct team members. Make a final decision after you receive estimates, collect information from external resources, and communicate with team representatives in person.

DashDevs - Your Trusted DevOps as a Service Provider

At DashDevs, we are committed to developing robust software solutions and we believe that such solutions cannot be created without a well-tuned DevOps cycle.

With efficient DevOps processes, we quickly detect and prevent errors, ensure fast time to market, and implement changes immediately when the need arises.

Using innovative and interoperable tools such as Ansible, Jenkins, Terraform, Chef, Puppet, CloudFormation, and SaltStack, we set up a DevOps environment for businesses of any size and domain.

If you need a reliable technology partner to set up your DevOps model, do not hesitate to contact us. We will study your project and provide a detailed development plan with estimates. You can then decide whether our DevOps approach meets your business needs.

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Table of contents
What is DevOps methodology?
DevOps is software engineering methodology that unites development and operations teams to streamline the development process. What DevOps is - it is a practice that the entire development team follows. What Devops is not - it is a separate process that is implemented without the knowledge of all team members.
Who are the best DevOps service providers?
DashDevs, ApphiTect, Veritis, Appinventiv, and Algoworks are among the best DevOps service providers on the market. However, to choose your technology partner, you should discuss your particular case with the company and see how well they fit your project needs.
What is the DevOps as a service process?
The DevOps as a Service process involves partnering with external providers to automate development, testing, and deployment workflows. DevOps as a Service model typically uses cloud-based tools. It develops the CI/CD pipeline that enables fast and efficient releases.
What are the examples of DevOps as a service?
Examples of DevOps as a Service include cloud-based CI/CD pipelines, automated infrastructure management using tools like Terraform and Ansible, and monitoring and logging services such as AWS CloudWatch and ELK Stack. These services help streamline development processes and ensure reliable, scalable deployments.
Who needs DevOps services?
All businesses involves in software development need robust DevOps services. Rapidly growing businesses and companies with lack on in-house expertise and strict time constraints benefit from DevOps as a Service model.
What are services in DevOps?
Services in DevOps include setting up continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD), test automation, infrastructure as a code (IaaC), cloud solutions, monitoring and logging systems, and secure software development lifecycle (SSDLC).
What does DevOps do?
A DevOps Engineer builds, configures, manages, and maintains continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) processes to ensure fast and reliable product delivery to users.
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