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How to create an effective roadmap for launching your project: your step-by-step guide


11 min read

Project roadmaps play a vital role in strategic planning by enabling project managers to visually communicate the project’s aspirations and major milestones. In this article I’ll explain how to create a project roadmap so they serve as valuable tools for stakeholders to comprehend the project’s objectives, allocated resources, anticipated deliverables, and their respective timelines.

Crafting a project roadmap is crucial for a smooth planning process because you can avoid pitfalls along the way. It will not only act as a guiding light throughout each development phase but also serve as a reference point leading up to the project’s ultimate release. To create an impactful roadmap, it’s essential to maintain a forward-thinking mindset and possess exceptional task management skills.

If you find yourself venturing into the realm of project roadmap creation for the first time, fret not. You’ve found the right page. In this step-by-step guide, I will navigate through the entire process, providing you with answers for different questions, such as what is a roadmap for a project, and ensuring you gain a comprehensive understanding of its intricacies and leave no vital elements behind. Prepare to embark on a journey that will equip you with valuable insights and practical tips for constructing an effective roadmap for your upcoming launch.

What Is a Project Roadmap?

A project roadmap functions as a straightforward and user-friendly reference point for essential stakeholders, enabling them to grasp the project’s strategic vision and make critical decisions efficiently without the need to delve into intricate details. In project management, roadmaps present a clear and concise breakdown of:

  • The current progress of work.
  • The optimal utilization of allocated resources.
  • The overall alignment of the project with its strategic goals and SMART project objectives within the set timeframe.

Example of a Roadmap: Performance Breakdown by Quarter

Again, you should remember that roadmaps offer a high-level overview rather than delving into specific tasks. Project roadmaps provide businesses with a comprehensive overview of product development. Whether you have a project manager or are taking on the task yourself, a roadmap allows you to maintain control over all operations and stay informed about the effective utilization of your resources and time. By creating and utilizing a project roadmap, stakeholders can easily visualize the project’s direction and make informed choices, ensuring successful implementation.

Why Is a Project Roadmap Important?

A roadmap is essential for strategic planning as it provides a concrete plan for transforming product ideas into tangible outcomes. This is a tool which provides a concise overview to executives and stakeholders who seek a general understanding of the project’s purpose and functionality without delving into its daily intricacies.

It proves particularly useful in the early stages of a project when all details have not been fully defined, aiding team members in comprehending the project plan regardless of their specific responsibilities.

The project roadmaps are especially advantageous for project managers handling multiple projects concurrently. Ultimately, they show the vision and the path to achieving it: foster employee engagement by establishing meaningful shared goals and can persuade skeptical stakeholders that investing in your company is a worthwhile endeavor.

By following the roadmap, you can fulfill your promise and deliver on your objectives.

Need assistance in creating an effective project roadmap?
DashDevs PMs ready to help

What Should a Project Roadmap Include?


Establish clear objectives and assess their timely and budgetary fulfillment. Consider addressing the following inquiries:

  • What are the specific targets we aim to accomplish through this project?
  • Is it feasible for us to achieve these targets?
  • How quickly can we attain them?

Try to evaluate whether your team is progressing as planned to meet all objectives within the project’s designated timeframe. The project roadmaps serve as a comprehensive record, mapping out the project’s targets, deliverables, and allocated resources along the project timeline. By organizing these things, everyone involved in the project can easily track progress and ensure adherence to the project schedule.


Key milestones represent the anticipated dates for significant project events or achievements, including crucial delivery dates. They serve as reminders of your accomplishments and indicate the attainment of specific levels of progress. Milestones play a critical role in measuring project advancement and ensuring alignment with predetermined completion targets. They provide a valuable framework for tracking project progress and evaluating whether the project is on track to meet its defined completion criteria.


Project deliverables refer to tangible outcomes that a project is expected to produce within a designated timeframe or throughout its duration. When stakeholders review a project roadmap, they can assess project progress by examining these deliverables. They provide a concrete means of measuring the advancement of the project and serve as indicators of the successful completion of key project milestones.

Resource Management

Once you have a clear understanding of the allocated resources, it becomes easier to assess their effectiveness and make informed decisions regarding potential adjustments. The decision to increase or decrease resources depends on the project’s progress in achieving its objectives and targets. By closely monitoring the project’s pace and alignment with goals, you can determine the optimal resource allocation necessary for successful project execution.

Project Timeline

The project timeline provides an estimate of the overall project duration. By considering the targets, milestones, and deliverables, stakeholders can assess the project’s progress and ensure it remains on the intended trajectory. The timeline serves as a valuable reference point for monitoring project milestones and verifying that the project is progressing according to plan.

Possible Risks

A comprehensive project roadmap goes beyond outlining goals and milestones; it also includes a proactive assessment of potential risks and obstacles that could potentially impact the project’s success. Including a thorough analysis of possible risks and obstacles within the project roadmap promotes proactive decision-making and risk management, increasing the overall chances of project success.

9 Steps to Create a Project Roadmap

Get a glimpse of the visual project roadmap and let me guide you through each stage in this paragraph. By following these steps, you’ll be able to create your very own flawless project roadmap.

9 Steps to Create a Project Roadmap

#1 Define the Project’s Objectives

The initial step in creating a project roadmap is to determine the purpose of your product. What is your ‘WHY"? What is the core objective of the project? Understanding why you are embarking on this project and what you hope to achieve is crucial.

Keep in mind that goals may evolve as the project progresses, so it’s normal for them to differ from the original ones established at the outset. Only a small percentage of organizations successfully deliver projects aligned with their initial goals or business objectives, so take it easy.

Additionally, it’s important to assess whether your product will stand out in a market filled with similar offerings. This knowledge forms a solid foundation for your project roadmap, especially for stakeholders who seek assurance that your product is well-considered and has a strong chance of success.

Once your goals are clearly defined, it’s time to consider the necessary actions to accomplish them. This could involve hiring a team of experts, acquiring specialized equipment, or acquiring new skills. The specific requirements will depend on the project’s goals and scope. If you determine that specialized assistance is needed, it may be worth considering outsourcing the project to a software development company.

#2 Identify the Target Audience

Every project has a specific group of users it aims to serve. So your next task is to identify and keep the target audience in mind throughout the entire process. The success of the project primarily depends on meeting their needs and expectations. Regardless of how well-crafted the project roadmap may be, understanding the audience and their motivations is crucial.

Your roadmap should effectively communicate to the team that the project aligns with the audience’s expectations and demonstrate its potential for success. It should instill confidence within the team, empowering them to convince potential customers and genuinely believe in the project’s value.

Failing to identify your target audience before embarking on the creation of a visual roadmap may result in a roadmap that does not cater to the specific needs of the intended users, rendering it ineffective.

#3 Prioritize Tasks

When constructing the prioritization model, try to consistently assess your present circumstances. Consider those questions:

  • What are our current priorities?
  • What is the timeline?
  • What are the challenges and opportunities?

Identify any dependencies or fallback options. Additionally, take into account upcoming releases. By analyzing your current situation in this manner, you gain insights into the existing state of affairs, ensuring that your model is comprehensive and grounded in reality.

This step is critical as it involves consolidating all your feature requirements and ideas and evaluating them based on the value and cost drivers established in the initial stage.

Referring back to our previous example, you need to answer the following questions:

  • What is the likelihood that the ideas and features identified in step 1 will generate profits?
  • Do they offer value to your users?
  • How do they enhance the overall user experience?
  • How much time will be required to complete them?

Once you have rated each item, you will have a prioritized list of strategic features and projects. This enables you to identify quick wins as well as tasks that are not feasible in the near term, and gain an overview of the projects in progress.

#4 Establish a Budget and Timeline

If you can set the budget in advance, you will be better prepared to present a project roadmap during stakeholder meetings.

Once you have gathered all the necessary project data, it is crucial to establish a realistic timeframe. A concise summary of the timeline is sufficient; it doesn’t have to include extensive details. Presenting the project goals on a timeline chart or providing basic information about the start and end dates of implementation can be effective.

Assigning specific timeframes to activities helps establish a logical sequence. For example, certain activities must follow a predetermined order, such as conducting testing before product implementation. Many activities will naturally fall into place once their time frames are defined.

BUT, remember that the roadmap should not extend too far into the future. If your project has a long duration, it becomes challenging to predict precise dates. In such cases, breaking the timeline into smaller phases can provide a more manageable approach.

#5 Define Critical Deliverables and Milestones

Deliverables are tangible outputs that contribute to the completion of project stages. They represent the specific action items that need to be accomplished to ensure successful progress. Deliverables are the tangible results of goal-oriented work. While deliverables are closely associated with milestones, there is a clear distinction between the two.

A milestone denotes a specific point in the project where a significant goal is achieved. Once a milestone is reached, the project advances to the next phase.

To create an effective roadmap, it is essential to outline key deliverables and milestones and elucidate their role in driving project success. Each deliverable should be associated with relevant milestones. By incorporating these milestones into the timeline, their significance can be highlighted and facilitate discussion.

Deliverables and milestones play a vital role in shaping the vision of how to build a project roadmap, particularly for complex projects. They allow for the highlighting of essential project points and dates, resulting in a roadmap that is easier to comprehend and navigate.

Project Roadmap Deliverables and Milestones

#6 Develop a Roadmap

Now that you have gathered all the necessary information, it’s time to begin crafting your roadmap. Before sharing it with others, it’s helpful to create a mock-up. This simplifies the decision-making process regarding its visual presentation and provides you with a preview of how the roadmap will appear.

Investing time in creating a model upfront will yield valuable returns. You can start by sketching it out with pen and paper, as traditional methods can offer a broader perspective. Then, you can transition to developing an electronic version of the project roadmap. As you work on the roadmap from the very beginning, the process of preparing the final version will become easier.

You may opt to use dedicated software designed specifically for creating project roadmaps. Utilizing the available templates in such tools can be particularly beneficial, especially during the initial stages of creation.

Remember the core principle of project roadmaps: they should be highly visual and designed in a way that allows stakeholders to quickly grasp the essence and extract relevant information within minutes.

Looking for guidance in building a successful project roadmap?
Our experienced DashDevs project managers are here to assist you.

#7 Engage Stakeholders with the Roadmap

Now comes the crucial step of sharing the roadmap with stakeholders. However, it’s important not to rush and reveal the entire project to everyone at once.

Start by having discussions with the people directly involved in the project. Together, assess the realism and achievability of the roadmap, ensuring that the workstreams and activities align logically. Before presenting the project roadmap in a business setting, it’s crucial to thoroughly review and validate all aspects multiple times. This ensures that you don’t set targets that later prove unattainable.

By proceeding in this manner, you can prevent misunderstandings, manage expectations effectively, and avoid making promises that cannot be fulfilled. Simultaneously, you will cultivate trust among stakeholders who will genuinely believe in the project’s potential.

#8 Maintain Flexibility

Keep in mind that a roadmap is a living document that evolves alongside the project. Once created, it requires continuous updates to remain relevant. This is especially true for software projects operating in dynamic environments where unexpected shifts can occur.

If any issues, delays, or gaps arise in the published roadmap, promptly create a new version that addresses the changes. It is crucial to regularly review and update your software roadmap, incorporating schedule adjustments and conducting assessments to ensure the team remains on the right path.

Striking the right balance in the frequency of changes is essential. Infrequent updates may cause the project to miss market opportunities or fall significantly behind schedule, while excessive modifications can erode team confidence and impede long-term goal achievement.

#9 Collect and Leverage Feedback

The work doesn’t end with the successful beginning of a project. Even after your team starts working on the project’s development, your job will be based on feedback from your stakeholders, clients, or team members.

As your project goals change, your roadmap should be open to adjustments, and the opinions of your teammates and stakeholders can greatly influence its success. Therefore, it is important to actively engage with your team and directly with your clients to identify valuable insights that can be incorporated into future iterations of the project.

The Finishing Line

Now you know how to make a project roadmap and that creating it is not a simple task. Having an initial idea is just the beginning, especially in the context of software development projects. Utilizing project roadmaps tools can assist in streamlining the process. But to ensure successful project completion, it is crucial to have a firm grip on every aspect. Regular progress tracking and well-organized internal processes are essential to gauge your advancement towards the final objective.

Efficient planning of each step requires a basic understanding of software principles. Assigning suitable tasks to the appropriate individuals necessitates some level of technical knowledge. If you lack such expertise, I advise you to entrust the construction of the roadmap to experienced project managers. The expertise of DashDevs’ PMs can help transform your idea into a feasible project, with clear steps, defined objectives, and limitless business potential. Get in touch with our professionals to create a flawless roadmap tailored to your unique project!

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