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Compare KYC Providers to Protect Your Clients: Veriff, Onfido, or Plaid


9 min read

Are you searching for top KYC solution providers but drowning in a sea of choices?

I get it. That’s why, at DashDevs, we’re about real solutions. With 13 years of hands-on experience and a track record of integrating 70+ KYC fintech providers for hundreds of successful projects, I can share with you the knowledge of how it works.

KYC data providers are the backbone of fintech operations. They ensure compliance, safeguard your business, and elevate the customer experience. I know how KYC service works as at DashDevs we successfully implemented solutions like Veriff, Jumio, Onfido, SumSub, and more in dozens of projects, resulting in sustainable growth for our clients.

In this article, I’ll break down why online identity checks are necessary in our digital lives, walk you through the stages of confirming identity, and closely examine the services provided by Veriff, Onfido, and Plaid. I’ll also compare what each of them offers to businesses.

What is KYC Software?

KYC software is a tool that businesses use to check who their customers are and get a handle on how they act. Know Your Customer is a crucial process for evaluating and keeping an eye on customer risks, plus it’s a legal must-do to follow Anti-Money Laundering (AML) laws. 

Financial institutions use many rules and regulations to ensure they’re dealing with legitimate customers. This involves confirming who the customers are, checking out any risks they might pose, and watching their transactions for any fishy stuff. 

To learn more about the KYC companies, procedures and how they work, read the article KYC: Fraud Detection in Fintech. It will help you to get a clear picture of all the processes involved in this innovation.

What Businesses Use KYC?

  • Brokers and Investment Platforms. It’s crucial to go through KYC procedures for brokers and investment platforms. This helps confirm who investors are, follow the rules, and stop any shady business.
  • Banking. KYC procedures are a big deal in banking. They’re needed for opening accounts, giving out loans, handling transactions, and following the rules. Banks have to make sure their customers are who they say they are to stop any tricky stuff and keep the financial system in good shape.
  • Fintech. Companies often provide online platforms for money-related things like peer-to-peer lending, digital wallets, crowdfunding, and investment platforms.
  • Cryptocurrency. Places where you trade or use cryptocurrency need robust crypto KYC providers. This is to follow the rules against money laundering and keep the digital money world trustworthy.

How to Choose a KYC Vendor?

When integrating KYC solutions, our team typically leans towards pre-built solutions rather than developing from scratch. This involves choosing a KYC platform or service that aligns with your needs and offering a tailored solution for your business.

For example, picking a trustworthy KYC software provider is a big deal for ensuring your compliance efforts work out.

A good one should be clear about what they do and let you check how they do it. If you don’t have time to investigate their websites — contact a manager for a short call where you can ask about how they stop fraud, keep and handle data, and if they can create reports for compliance.

Clarity is key to understanding the KYC process and maintaining a record of rule adherence. As you navigate decision-making, essential factors become evident. Here are the required considerations to ensure a smooth and swift process when selecting a KYC provider:

  1. Business size and reach. If you run a small business, you might not need a KYC provider offering many services. But if you’re a big company with customers worldwide, you’ll want to research KYC providers that can handle your needs.
  2. Industry requirements. Different industries have different rules for KYC. For instance, financial services businesses need to dig deeper into their customers’ details. When picking a KYC provider, make sure they follow the rules that apply to your industry.
  3. Budget concerns. KYC service providers come at different prices. When choosing one, compare costs and features to get the best bang for your buck.

As a business owner looking for the top KYC providers, the decision-making process is critical for ensuring smooth onboarding, regulatory compliance, and robust fraud prevention.

In this comparison article, I’ve selected three KYC solution providers — Veriff, Onfido, and Plaid — based on our industry experience. I’ve worked intimately with each of these platforms, gaining profound insights into their functionalities and capabilities.

Now, let’s delve into the complexities of each, examining what makes them unique and determining which one best aligns with your business requirements.

Make informed decisions and enhance security today!


Mainly used for: governance, risk and compliance, identity verification, and protection for fintech.

Veriff, an industry leading KYC solution, strongly emphasizes regulatory compliance and cost efficiency. With optional anti-money laundering checks, a swift 6-second average verification time, and coverage of 11,300+ identity documents, Veriff is well-suited for fintech businesses that must ensure they always align with compliance requirements and whose clients must be safe and protected.

Additionally, this KYC service provider supplies customizable verification options, allowing businesses to tailor their user verification processes through both manual and automated ID checks.

Key features unwrapped:

  • Ensures KYC compliance, minimizing acquisition costs.
  • Achieves a 6-second verification time for seamless onboarding.
  • Automatic document recognition optimizes the process.
  • Supports 11,300+ identity documents from 230+ countries.
  • Pay only for actual verification sessions, reducing overall costs.
  • Integrated fraud prevention with a selfie and document photo.
  • 98% check automation rate enhances efficiency.
  • AI-powered automation for minimal-step onboarding.
  • Customizable verification tailored to business needs.
  • Supports 48 languages for business expansion.
  • Guides users through document photo capture and selfie.


Mainly used for: financial services, digital-first banking, banking, gaming, sharing economy, telecommunications, retail & e-commerce.

Onfido, one of the top KYC companies, offers an AI-driven platform that guarantees KYC and AML compliance. With over a decade of experience and a global presence covering 195 countries, Onfido presents itself as an end-to-end solution.

Notable features include automated verifications in under 10 seconds, a variety of verification methods, and a proven track record of compliance.

Onfido’s commitment to cost-effective KYC automation and a consolidated identity partner approach positions it as an excellent choice for businesses that want to expand globally while adhering to regulatory standards.

Key features unwrapped:

  • Presence in 160+ countries for seamless global growth.
  • Photo IDs for robust KYC checks (2,500+ documents, 195 countries).
  • Biometric verification options for enhanced security.
  • AML compliance using trusted data sources.
  • Leverages device intelligence for trusted user differentiation.
  • ETSI TS 119 461 certified IDV for confident market entry.
  • Automated verifications save time and cut customer acquisition costs.


Mainly used for: personal finance, mobile banking, and other fintech.

Plaid’s Identity Verification solution focuses on swift and secure user authentication as a KYC AML provider.

With features such as liveness confirmation, behavioral analytics, and an extensive range covering 16,000+ ID types, Plaid is a superhero of efficient verification.

The solution’s anti-fraud engine and proactive risk assessments provide an additional layer of security. Plaid has multilingual support and flexible deployment options, including a no-code initiation, making it an attractive choice for businesses placing a premium on a seamless onboarding experience and advanced fraud prevention.

Key features unwrapped:

  • Prevents attacks and reduces fraud losses.
  • Checks risk associated with phone numbers and addresses.
  • Identifies VPNs, Tor, and suspicious sessions.
  • Detects fabricated or stolen identities.
  • Verifies identities in less than 10 seconds with high pass rates.
  • Supports 16,000+ ID types in 200+ countries.
  • Optimizes automated verifications by 30%.
  • Multilingual support for a global user base.
  • Easy setup and management for teams.
  • No-code editor for verification flows.
  • The “Remember Me” feature enables one-click verification.

KYC Comparison Table

CriteriaVeriffPlaid Identity VerificationOnfido
Flow with SDK/ClientAndroid; iOS; React Native; Flutter; JavaScriptAndroid; iOS; React Native; Flutter; JavaScriptAndroid; iOS; React Native; Flutter; JavaScript
Supported languages for UI48548
Countries in which users can use the product230200+195
API integration (custom flow without UI client)YesNoYes
Document verificationYesYesYes
Bank data user identitiesYesYesNo
Photo selfie checkYesNoYes
Video selfie checkNoYesYes
Age validationYesNoYes
Age estimation (by selfie)YesNoYes
Proof of addressYesYesYes
Biometric authentication (login by FaceID)YesNoYes
Anti-fraud checksYesYesYes
Analysis of user behavior during the flowYesYesYes
EnvironmentsTest integration (free)/Production (paid)Sandbox (free)/Production (paid)Sandbox testing (free)/Production (paid)
CustomizationFully availablePartially availableFully available
Select the perfect KYC solution for your business!

Comparative Analysis of Onfido, Plaid, and Veriff for Business Integration

In my work with Onfido, Plaid, and Veriff, I’ve integrated their solutions into various business setups. Now, let’s break down similarities and differences of these KYC verification companies simply and straightforwardly.

Each platform provides diverse KYC options, such as document verification, address verification, and biometric verification using images or videos. The end goal for our clients is to ensure a smooth self-verification process tailored to specific verification parameters. 

Having worked with these solutions multiple times, I understand the nuances, and below, I provide the critical differences between them to help you choose the right fit based on the unique needs of your business.

Customization and User Experience

  • Onfido. Stands out for its extensive customization options. It allows changes in elements from color to various other aspects, providing flexibility in tailoring the user experience. It offers third-party SDKs with a range of customizable features, such as fonts, colors, corner radius, and flow adjustments.
  • Plaid. Lacks in customization compared to Onfido and Veriff. Plaid’s flexibility is limited, allowing changes only to the logo and the main color. The integration through the browser, while possible, may result in a less seamless user experience.
  • Veriff. Similar to Onfido in terms of customization. It provides third-party SDKs that allow adjustments in fonts, colors, corner radius, and overall flow customization. Notably, Veriff offers the option to leave only face verification, providing a higher degree of customization.

Ease of Use

  • Onfido and Veriff. Both provide a relatively similar user experience, with comprehensive customization options.
  • Plaid. The integration through the browser may present a subtle difference, potentially causing a less seamless experience for users.


  • Plaid focuses on compliance for identity verification and fraud prevention, lacking specific certifications. In terms of enhanced security, Plaid uses behavioral analytics and risk checks.
  • Veriff excels in obedience, meeting standards like CCPA/CPRA, GDPR, SOC2 type II, ISO 27001, and WCAG Accessibility Guidelines. Veriff ensures a secure digital environment through AI and human verification.
  • Onfido is committed to regulatory standards with certifications such as ETSI TS 119 461 and eIDAS Regulation, and it holds a ‘high confidence’ rating in the UK Government’s Digital Identity Trust Framework. Onfido concentrates on proactive fraud detection with its Real Identity Platform powered by Atlas AI.

Summing Up

When selecting the ideal KYC provider, consider the unique needs of your business. Onfido offers a proven track record and global scalability. Plaid excels in quick verification and advanced fraud protection. Veriff provides solid regulatory compliance and user-centric design. 

Evaluate the level of automation desired, international coverage, and specific compliance requirements to align with your business objectives. Ultimately, the right KYC provider is the one that seamlessly integrates into your processes, upholds regulatory standards and safeguards your business against fraud while delivering a smooth user experience.

How DashDevs Can Help?

If you’re overwhelmed with the complex world of KYC integration and need a guiding hand, DashDevs is here for you. Contact our experts to find out more about the best KYC providers for your business!

With over a decade of experience in integrating more than 70 fintech providers for numerous clients, our team got the expertise to assist you throughout the entire product launch cycle, from choosing the right KYC vendor to going live.

Our team ensures your KYC process aligns with industry standards, guaranteeing regulatory compliance, safeguarding your business, and enhancing the overall customer experience.

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Table of contents
What is KYC Software?
KYC software is a tool used by businesses to verify customer identities, assess risks, and comply with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) laws. It ensures the legitimacy of customers, confirming their identity and monitoring transactions for potential risks.
What KYC Providers Does DashDevs Work With?
DashDevs has extensive experience working with KYC solution providers, including Veriff, Jumio, Onfido, SumSub, and more. With over 70 fintech integrations in 13 years, DashDevs offers valuable insights to help you make informed decisions.
What Sets Veriff, Onfido, and Plaid Apart?
Veriff prioritizes regulatory compliance, Onfido focuses on global scalability and compliance, while Plaid excels in quick verification and advanced fraud protection but lacks customization. Each has unique features, and the choice depends on your business needs.
How Do Veriff, Onfido, and Plaid Address Security?
Plaid emphasizes compliance without specific certifications. Veriff ensures compliance with standards like CCPA/CPRA, GDPR, SOC2 type II, ISO 27001, and WCAG Accessibility Guidelines. Onfido holds certifications like ETSI TS 119 461 and eIDAS Regulation and uses Atlas AI for fraud prevention.
How Can DashDevs Assist in KYC Integration?
DashDevs offers expertise in integrating over 70 fintech providers, guiding you from vendor selection to going live. With a focus on regulatory compliance, fraud prevention, and enhancing customer experience, DashDevs ensures a smooth KYC process.