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Jailbreaking iOS device. Tech approach and how it impacts business


10 min read

iPhone and iPad users often look for ways to expand the functionality of their devices beyond what Apple allows. In particular, they want to download applications that are not available in the standard App Store and customize the look of their device.

Jailbreaking allows them to do this. 

What is jailbreak? It is the way to gain access to the file system and device manager. As a result, users can reset predefined settings and customize their device as they like.

However, along with Apple’s restrictions on installation and customization, users also lose data protection and expose themselves to the risk of a cyber attack.

In this article, I will talk about the technical part of jailbreaking and why it is dangerous for businesses and users.

Types of iOS device jailbreaking

There are various methods to install jailbreak iPhone, depending on your device model and iOS version. Some jailbreak methods only work with specific versions of iOS operating system or device models. Some may be more stable or require certain preparation steps. The most common methods of jailbreaking are as follows:

Rootless and rootful jailbreaking. Rootless and rootful jailbreaking differ depending on the level of administrator rights. Rootless means limited user access to system resources without full jailbreak. Rootful or rooted allows full system access after jailbreak.

Tethered and untethered jailbreaking. Tethered and untethered jailbreaking differ depending on the need of jailbreak reinstallation. Tethered jailbreak requires reinstallation every time after device restart. Untethered jailbreak remains active after restart without additional actions.

After considering these aspects, you can choose the appropriate jailbreak iPhone method based on the supported iOS version and your device model.

Below, I list the most popular jail break iPhone tools and show which version of iOS they can be used for and what type of jailbreaking can be done with their help:

JailbreakSupported iOSSupported CPURootfullRootless
palera1niOS 15.0 - 16.0A8 - A11YesYes
unc0veriOS 11.0 - 14.8A7 - A14UnknownUnknown
DopamineiOS 15.0 - 16.6.1A8 - A16NoYes
heckra1niOS 12.0 - 14.0A8 - A12UnknownUnknown
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How to jailbreak iPhone: a step-by-step guide

In this guide, I will describe the process of installing iPhone jailbreak ios on an iPhone 7 running iOS 15.8.2. 

Upon reviewing the jailbreak selection table, it appears that options from palera1n or Dopamine can be used. So, here is a step-by-step process:

First, determine the rootfull or rootless jailbreak. In my case, I chose rootless jailbreak and Dopamine as I plan to use the VNodeBypass tweak (repository link -, which only works with this type of jailbreak. VNodeBypass allows hiding jailbreak from other apps, which is important, especially for banking apps that often do not work on jailbroken phones. I find this jailbreak most convenient for daily use, as it is very difficult to avoid using banking apps in modern conditions.

If you visit the official Dopamine website, you will not find detailed instructions, only two buttons for downloading the IPA file or opening in TrollStore, which is not available on your device.

There are two possible ways to install: using Sideloadly on MacOS or installing the jailbreak from palera1n to get Sileo or Zebra app stores. I do not consider the first option as it requires iCloud account authorization, which is unsafe for me.

Therefore, I decided to use the second option, installing the jailbreak from palera1n, which will allow getting Sileo or Zebra app stores. These stores will enable downloading TrollStore. After installation, we can remove the jailbreak, but TrollStore will remain.

To implement this, I used a Windows computer and a program called WinRa1n.

Here is the step-by-step process:

Step 1. I recommend resetting your iPhone, turning off Find My iPhone, and logging out of iCloud to avoid errors during jailbreak installation. Download winra1n from the official website and launch the program. After launch, you will see an interface where you can select palera1n and set the necessary parameters.

Start jailbreak

Step 2. Select palera1n and set the Rootless flag. It is not necessary to create Fakefc and Force Revert in our case, as Create FakeFC is used for Rootful jailbreak to create a virtual Flash chip on the device during jailbreak, and Force Revert is used to remove jailbreak from the device.

Click the Next button and follow the instructions in the utility.

After loading, you will see Sileo and Zebra options. Choose any of them (I chose Sileo) and wait for the app store to be installed.

iOS jailbreak

Step 3. Connect the device to WiFi if it’s not connected (this is necessary for app store download) and open the palera1n app.

After loading, you will see Sileo and Zebra options.


Step 4. Click on any of them (I chose Sileo) and wait for the app store to be installed.

If you don’t care which jail break iPhone you choose, or you don’t plan to use VNodeBypass, you can stop at this step.

After this, the selected app store will appear on the desktop. Open the store and go to the Search tab. Enter “TrollStore Helper” in the search field and go to our helper.


Step 5. On the TrollStore Helper page, click the “Get” button, which will change to “Queue”. Click “Queue” to go to the download queue screen.

jailbreaking ios device

Step 6. Click “Confirm” and wait for TrollStore Helper to download and install. After this, open the TrollStore Helper app and click “Install TrollStore”.

 Jailbreak and iphone

Step 7. Open the palera1n app and click “Revert install”. Confirm your action, after which the device will restart. Wait for the device to restart. Once restarted, you will see that the palera1n app remains on the desktop, which is normal behavior. If you enter the app, you will see a message asking to restart the phone to finalize removing the jailbreak from the device. Restart the device again.

Congratulations! Now we can install jailbreak iPhone from Dopamine and TrollStore, which we need. Visit the official Dopamine website and download the IPA file. Enter the “Downloads” section, tap on “Dopamine 2”, click the button in the top right corner and select “TrollStore”, which will redirect you to TrollStore. Tap “Install”.

Jailbreaking legal

Step 8. After installation, the Dopamine app will appear on your desktop. Open the app and select “jailbreak”. Choose the required app stores (Sileo and Zebra) and click “Continue”. Wait for the jailbreak to be installed.

That’s it! A jailbreak iPhone from Dopamine has been successfully installed.

Finish jaibreak

Jailbreaking iOS device: pros and cons for users

After installing a jailbreak on an iOS device, users receive customization opportunities that were previously unavailable. In particular, they can install applications not from the official App Store and change the appearance of the iOS device using non-standard themes.

However, the decision to jailbreak should be made very carefully. The thing is that jailbreak violates the security system of the iOS device. This leads to vulnerabilities of the device and exposes the customer’s data to cyber danger. Additionally, the standard iOS programs may not work properly on the jailbroken iPhone.

Below I provide the main pros and cons of iOS jailbreak.

Jailbreak pros

Enhanced device capabilities. After jailbreaking, the iOS users gain an opportunity to customize various interface aspects. This includes changing themes, fonts, animations, and other interface elements.

Installing apps from different sources. iOS device jailbreaking allows users to install apps from sources different from the official App Store. This removes any restrictions on services and features to use.

Modifying system settings. By jailbreaking iOS devices, users gain access to system files. This allows them to change system settings and functions that are normally restricted. By doing so, they receive a deeper level of control over their device and can adjust settings as needed.

Jailbreak cons

Weakened device security. jailbreaking allows downloading apps from untrusted services. Such apps may have access to the deeper layers of the operating system. As a result, devices fall under the risk of being attacked by cyber criminals and viruses.

Compatibility issues. Once you modify the software of the iOS device, you may face a situation that it is no longer compatible with standard Apple programs. Even if Apple apps continue running, their specific features may not work properly. 

Inability to get official updates. Installing jailbreak and iPhone unlock can complicate or hinder the installation of official updates from Apple. Users may find themselves unable to receive new features or bug fixes. As a result, their device may function incorrectly.

How jailbreaking affects businesses

In its essence, jailbreaking is a way of using the iOS device contrary to the rules and regulations established by the manufacturer of this device. This approach is fundamentally wrong and dangerous for users. As for businesses, they face special threats posed by jailbreaking, such as:

Major threat to data security. When users bypass Apple’s protective mechanisms and install malicious software, it increases the risk of system vulnerability. This creates potential security threats to users’ personal data and financial information. As an owner of a fintech application, you may encounter payment data leaks to cybercriminals. In fact, even if you have no involvement in jailbreaking, you may still face serious consequences if your users use your application on a jailbroken iPhone.

Сonfidential information leakage. If you have corporate software installed on iOS devices, then jailbreaking such devices can pose a serious threat to your corporate data. This is because jailbreaking compromises the device’s security features, making it vulnerable to malware and unauthorized access. Consequently, it can lead to data breaches and loss of sensitive corporate information. This ultimately can lead to jailbreak legal issues and monetary loss.

Risk of non-payment. Users of jailbroken iOS devices may become targets of phishing attacks and could potentially lose control over their financial data. Consequently, they may fail to make necessary payments on time. This may create issues for businesses that rely on regular customer payments for their income. For example, subscription services or credit organizations may not receive obligatory payments in time.

Income decreases. iOS app development companies may find themselves losing customers to cheaper apps that run on jailbroken devices. This situation can cast doubt on the future development of the business and demotivate the team. Consequently, businesses will need to invest a significant amount of money in developing new strategies to attract customers.

Damaged reputation. When software is used on a jailbroken iPhone, companies cannot guarantee data security. This increases the risk of data leakage or malicious access to payment information, leading to customer dissatisfaction. Consequently, there is a risk of damaging your reputation and losing customers’ trust.

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Strategies to reduce security risk caused by jailbreaking

Businesses developing iOS applications must account for the potential of iOS device jailbreaking and take proactive measures to ensure data security and application stability. Here are the strategies to ensure app security: 

Implement checks to detect a jailbroken device

You can do this by checking

  • existence of jailbreak files
  • existence of Cydia, Sileo, Zebra, package managers for jailbroken devices
  • existence of suspicious applications exclusive to jailbroken devices

You can implement jailbreak detection from scratch or use third-party libraries that simplify the process of detecting jailbroken devices. 

Limit data storage

Minimize the amount of sensitive data stored on the device. Use secure server-side storage and retrieve data only when necessary. Also, clear data from the device when it is no longer needed.

Wipe data remotely

I recommend implementing the ability to remotely erase sensitive information stored on a device. This can be helpful in case malicious activity is detected. Also, if the user loses a device, they can delete data remotely.

Run security audits

Check your security measures regularly. Timely react to malicious activities. Improve your security strategies so they are efficient against modern security threats and attacks.

Use ethical hacking

Ethical hackers or penetration testers simulate real cyber attacks on your application. The difference from real hackers is that they do so for beneficial purposes. Through a penetration test, you can discover vulnerabilities in your application and take necessary measures to prevent real attacks.

Update your app regularly

Patch security vulnerabilities and communicate the importance of updates to your users. Encourage users to install the latest app versions and keep the software up to date.

Educate users

Make sure your users know about the risks associated with jailbreaking and encourage them to avoid it. Provide guidelines on maintaining device security and best practices for protecting their data.

Monitor and log activities

An efficient logging and monitoring system will help you detect suspicious activities. By using logs, you can identify potential security breaches and take timely actions to eliminate them.


The technical capabilities available after installing jailbreak allow users to customize the interface, install apps from other sources, and enhance the functionality of their device. 

However, device jailbreak and iPhone unlock are accompanied by high risks to data security and device stability. From a business perspective, installing jailbreak can lead to loss of control over apps, revenue loss, reduced developer motivation, and damaged company reputation. 

Ambitious businesses that care about customer safety and plan for further business growth must develop a strong security strategy. One point of such a strategy should be to prevent the use of the application on a jailbroken iPhone, as well as comprehensive measures to protect personal data. An experienced software development company can help create a reliable and secure iOS application that is resistant to various types of attacks. 

Are you looking for a technology partner to develop an application with strong security? Contact us, and we will help you to launch one.

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Table of contents
What measures exist to control the risk of device jail breaking?
Businesses can use the following measure to control device jailbreaking: implement checks to detect a jailbroken devices, limit data storage, wipe data remotely, run security audits, use ethical hacking, update your app regularly, educate users, and monitor and log activities.
What is the risk of jailbreak?
The main risks of jailbreak for users and businesses include weakened device security, the possibility of confidential information leakage, compatibility issues, and inability to get official updates.
Can you undo jailbreak an iPhone?
Yes, you can undo a jailbreak on an iPhone. For this, you should restore the device to its factory settings using iTunes or Finder. This will help you to reinstall the original iOS firmware and remove the jailbreak and any unauthorized apps or modifications.
Is jailbreaking illegal for iPhone?
Installing jailbreak is not illegal as each user decides independently how to use their iPhone. However, Apple explicitly states that they do not support jailbreak and may deny warranty service for a device if they determine that jailbreak was installed on the device. So, while jailbreak legal issues are not present, specific problems with device usage is likely to occur.
How to jailbreak iPhone?
To jailbreak iPhone, it is necessary to choose the rootfull or rootless jailbreak first. After that, you can use Sideloadly on MacOS or install the jailbreak from palera1n to get Sileo or Zebra app stores. The first option requires iCloud account authorization. The second option allows getting Sileo or Zebra app stores. You can choose the jailbreak installation option as per your needs and capabilities.
What will jailbreaking an iPhone do?
Jailbreaking an iPhone will remove standard Apple restrictions. This will allow users to install unauthorized apps, customize the device, and access system files. However, Jailbreaking an iPhone will also compromise the device's security and make it vulnerable to cyber attacks.