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Why You Should Migrate to Jetpack Compose in Your Android App


12 min read

Mobile app development is a vivid example of a promising but demanding market. Stats reveal that the number of mobile app downloads has reached 257 billion and is increasing, while annual mobile app spending also shows a positive trend. 

However, do you pay attention to how many users abandon mobile apps by deleting them? Such statistics are no less impressive. At the end of 2023, the Android app uninstall rate ranged from 47% in the US and UK and 53% in France and Germany to nearly 59% in India and 62% in Brazil and Indonesia. In this article, I will touch on the UI of Android mobile apps since it is essential for improving the user experience and retention rate. 

Probably, even not very tech-savvy entrepreneurs and managers have heard of Jetpack Compose or Kotlin. I will tell you what Jetpack Compose is, as well as its features, novelty, and advantages. You’ll learn how using Jetpack Compose can elevate your Android mobile app`s chances of success.

What is Jetpack Compose?

Jetpack Compose is a modern, declarative UI toolkit developed by Google for building native Android applications. 

Jetpack Compose is intended to simplify and accelerate UI development by allowing developers to design UI components with Kotlin code, using a declarative approach similar to React. Instead of creating XML layouts, developers describe the UI in code and let the framework manage updates and state changes.

The launch of Jetpack Compose was a watershed moment in Android mobile development, transforming the way of building UI and UX components. I will briefly recall how it was.

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Emergence and Spread of Jetpack Compose

In 2019, Google introduced a new declarative UI framework to simplify and streamline Android app UI creation. Google’s step was driven by the growing demand for flexibility and the widespread adoption of Kotlin. Developers had long expected a well-tuned toolkit for building UI components that could work seamlessly with Kotlin, the preferred language for Android development. 

The actual spread of Jetpack Compose for Android began after its stable release in July 2021. Android developers were eager for a more intuitive and efficient approach that would enable them to write less boilerplate code, so they quickly embraced the new toolkit.  Instructions and playbooks for Jetpack Compose started popping up. The Jetpack Compose tutorial gave each developer a step-by-step guide to mastering the declarative style and Compose UI.

Compose continues to grow in popularity today, backed by a strong community and Google’s active development efforts. The framework has redefined how UI components are built on Android. The list of well-known apps built with Jetpack Compose highlights its prominent role in Android app development.

 apps built with Jetpack Compose

Jetpack Compose: Key Features 

Jetpack Compose harmoniously combines the features of the framework and the library, providing a complete toolkit necessary to create intuitive and responsive UIs for Android mobile apps.

Jetpack Compose is written in Kotlin and uses this programming language. Accordingly, the correct answer to the frequently asked question “Jetpack Compose or Kotlin” is that by using Android Compose, you get advanced UI capabilities but still use Kotlin.

Among the main features of Jetpack Compose are the following:

#1 Declarative UI programming 

With Compose Android programmers can specify UI utilizing Kotlin code, without the need to manually describe each component update steps. It is enough to describe what the UI should look like at any given state. Thus, Jetpack Compose helps to decrease the amount of boilerplate code. 

The Jetpack Compose Android handles updates based on changes in the app’s state, automatically refreshing the UI components, which greatly minimizes bugs. This declarative approach streamlines the codebase making it less complicated to check out, compose as well as preserve.

#2 Kotlin-only approach

Jetpack Compose uses Kotlin as the sole programming language, which makes the entire development process smoother and eliminates switching between languages.

#3 Interoperability

Jetpack Compose seamlessly integrates with existing Android views and Jetpack libraries. Jetpack provides a suite of libraries to assist developers in following best practices and using proven solutions.

#4 Rich tooling, including integration with Android studio

Android Studio provides robust support for Jetpack Compose, including code completion and debugging tools. Compose gives app developers access to the Android platform APIs and built-in support for Material Design, Dark theme, animations, and more. Android Compose enhanced tooling improves the developer experience and speeds up the development process.

#5 Custom components and reusability

Applying Jetpack Compose, coders can create highly reusable custom components. This reusability leads to more efficient development and a more consistent UX across apps. 

#6 Annotations and compiler

Developers annotate functions to define the UI. The Compose compiler generates the UI boilerplate code using such annotations and also optimizes the codebase. 

#7 Compose preview

This built-in feature enables the preview of UI composables using different settings without running the app on a device.

#8 Facilitated migration

Jetpack Compose may integrate smoothly with Android libraries and existing apps, so it is possible to migrate existing applications to Compose UI.

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Jetpack Сompose: Why Mobile Development Needs an Alternative to Traditional XML

Before the Jetpack Compose release, Android developers primarily relied on XML to design and manage user interfaces. What lacked XML, and what prompted Google to create a new solution for UI and the professional Android community to use it actively?

Obsolescence and Limitations of XML

XML (Extensible Markup Language) has been among the Android app development standards for many years. This markup language structures data in a tree-like format, allowing developers to define UI elements for Android apps. 

However, as technology has evolved, XML has shown its limitations in modern app development, which became especially noticeable with the introduction of Jetpack Compose. Here are some of the critical challenges of continuing to use XML in today’s mobile development.

#1 Drawbacks of the imperative approach

XML uses an imperative approach for defining UI elements, meaning developers must explicitly state how the UI should behave at every step. 

Imperative programming in mobile apps is inherently complex due to its step-by-step nature, which can become cumbersome when dealing with dynamic or interactive interfaces. This approach is error-prone because it requires constant updates to each component, and manual changes often result in bugs or inconsistencies.

#2 A lot of code is required 

One of XML’s most significant limitations is the sheer amount of code required to create even simple UI elements. This problem is particularly evident when building lists or complex components. Developers often need to write repetitive XML structures for each list item, leading to bloated codebases that are harder to manage. 

#3 Two languages involved – Kotlin and XML

When using XML for UI and Kotlin for logic, developers must constantly switch between two different languages. This division of concerns increases the codebase’s complexity and slows development. Changes in the UI structure often require corresponding changes in both XML and Kotlin files, which can lead to errors if they are not perfectly synchronized.

#4 Customization is challenging

Writing custom UI components in XML can be difficult. It often involves creating complex classes in Kotlin or Java and defining custom attributes in XML, which increases both development time and the likelihood of errors. Maintaining these components also becomes a challenge as the app grows. 

#5 Duplication of states and synchronization issues

In XML-based development, UI and logic states are often kept separate, which results in duplicated state information. For example, a list’s state (e.g., selection or scroll position) may need to be tracked both in the UI layer (XML) and the logic layer (Kotlin), leading to synchronization issues. Keeping these states in sync can be tricky and prone to errors.

Jetpack Compose vs. XML

One key debate surrounding Jetpack Compose is always the Jetpack Compose vs. XML comparison. Android developers wonder whether switching to Compose is worth giving up traditional XML. Like many other mobile software engineers, I ended up going with Jetpack Compose Android after weighing the pros and cons. 

Moreover, I believe that Jetpack Compose is the answer to those challenges that XML cannot overcome. I’ll share my thoughts on this, including comparing Jetpack Compose vs XML critical points in the table below.

CharacteristicXMLJetpack Compose
Probability of more errorsXML uses an imperative approach, requiring manual updates to every UI component, making it prone to errors.Jetpack Compose employs a declarative approach. This results in fewer errors and more predictable outcomes.
State managementTextText
TextState management in XML is often divided between UI and logic, leading to duplicated state tracking and synchronization issues.Jetpack Compose Android centralizes state management automatically. It eliminates the need for manual synchronization and reduces the likelihood of bugs.
Flexibility and ease of customizationCustom elements in XML require complex classes and custom attributes. This complexity increases development time and error risk.Jetpack Compose allows developers to create custom components as Kotlin functions. It makes creating UI elements more flexible and reusable.
Number of languages usedTwo languages are involved: XML for UI layout and Kotlin for logic.With Compose UI developers may use only Kotlin.
Required amount of codeXML requires much code, particularly for lists and complex components.Compose Android drastically reduces the amount of code, especially for lists and dynamic components.

Compose UI’s code minimalism has such a tangible impact on the timelines and budgets of medium and large Android app development projects that it deserves to be illustrated by examples. The developers willingly share their experience, demonstrating the conciseness of the Jetpack application. The image below shows how a simple UI with spacing looks with both technologies.

XML vs compose


The difference between Jetpack Compose and XML in terms of the number of lines of code is particularly striking if you’re programming lists. Another example shows how the same list looks when written with XML and Compose UI.

While XML has been foundational for Android development, its imperative nature, verbosity, and separation from logic introduce complexities that make it less suitable for modern app development. At the same time, with its declarative and streamlined approach, Jetpack Compose offers a superior alternative that addresses these limitations, simplifying development and making apps more straightforward to maintain.

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Benefits of Migrating to Android Jetpack Compose 

Migrating to Android Jetpack Compose can benefit you, as a mobile app owner, and your developers, from simplifying codebases to enhancing team collaboration. Here’s how Jetpack Compose Android can make your development process more efficient and apps more scalable:

  • Simplified codebase: Compose reduces the amount of code needed compared to XML-based development. Using Kotlin exclusively eliminates the need for multiple languages, streamlining the development process and reducing boilerplate code.
  • Optimized performance: The Jetpack Compose compiler is highly optimized, ensuring faster app performance and smoother user experiences.
  • Improved maintainability: The declarative model makes code more readable, enabling faster updates and easier maintenance by eliminating complex XML structures.
  • Better state management: Compose simplifies managing UI states, reducing errors and ensuring seamless transitions between states.
  • Effortless animations: Developers can add smooth animations with minimal code, enhancing the app’s visual appeal and user experience.
  • High flexibility: Compose allows easy customization of dynamic UIs, making complex adjustments and custom components simpler to implement.
  • Enhanced developer experience: Compose promotes building reusable components and UI kits, improving team collaboration and productivity, especially in large-scale projects.

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Tips for Migrating to Jetpack Compose 

Switching to Jetpack Compose for Android app development can be a transformative decision, but like any migration, it requires strategic planning and execution. Here are some practical tips to help you integrate Jetpack Compose Android smoothly and efficiently.

#1 Start with gradual adoption

You may not try to overhaul your entire app at once. A gradual approach works best when migrating to Compose UI. You can begin by using Jetpack Compose to develop new features or update existing visual elements. Over time, as more features and UI components are added or replaced, Jetpack Compose will naturally take over a more significant portion of the app. This incremental strategy ensures a smoother transition and minimizes potential disruptions to your existing codebase.

#2 Consider Android Jetpack Compose’s value primarily for large-scale projects.

The benefits of using Android Jetpack Compose quickly become evident in large-scale projects. Jetpack Compose can help you speed up development cycles, especially when multiple developers or teams are involved. Jetpack Compose Android allows for more seamless collaboration across the development team by standardizing UI components and removing the complexities of XML layouts. The larger the project, the quicker you’ll notice time and budget savings.

#3 Focus on documentation and internal infrastructure

To ensure long-term benefits of Compose, create a solid internal infrastructure within the project. Assign your most experienced developers to build reusable libraries, thorough documentation, and guidelines for the entire team. Essential resources to develop include:

  • Jetpack Compose tutorial to guide project team members in unifying the toolkit’s use.
  • Comprehensive UI Kit that contains all UI components for consistency in design and implementation.
  • Jetpack Compose-based design system, including documentation, and design tokens (like colors and fonts) to ensure consistent UX throughout the app.
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Jetpack Compose in Mobile Development Projects: Case Studies from DashDevs

At DashDevs, we harness the power of Jetpack Compose to accelerate development and deliver to our clients high-performing mobile apps with improved user experience. Two recent projects exemplify how Jetpack Compose Android can streamline complex app development while providing a flexible, customizable approach to building UIs.

Case study #1: Super Taxi and Mobility App

In the development of a super taxi and delivery app that combines taxi services with food and grocery delivery, our developers focused on merging the functionalities of distinct applications into one platform. 


The large Jetpack Compose library proved invaluable in this project, offering flexible UI components that could be customized to match the newly developed design system for the customer’s brand.

By using Jetpack Compose Android, we also optimized the code, making it more maintainable and allowing the client to release updates with new features regularly. The ease of composing UI elements inherent in Android Jetpack Compose reduced development time significantly, enabling us to meet tight deadlines while still delivering a polished, high-performance product.

Case study #2: NDA/Digital Bank

In another of our Android projects, Jetpack Compose was instrumental in creating a user-friendly mobile banking experience. The challenge here was not just the app’s complexity, but the need for a large team of developers to collaborate seamlessly. Thanks to Compose UI, which simplifies the codebase and enables code reuse, the project team maintained a unified coding style across the app, adhering to a predefined UI kit. 

Moreover, Jetpack Compose’s flexibility allowed us to build a highly customizable interface that adapted to the bank’s evolving requirements. With Jetpack Compose, the development team could quickly adjust and implement new features, such as personalized user dashboards, without impacting the existing codebase. This optimization led to faster development cycles and regular updates, ensuring the app remained up-to-date with the latest digital banking trends.

In both cases, Jetpack Compose demonstrated its advantages in speed, flexibility, and maintainability, making it an essential tool for large-scale app development.

Final Take

Migration to Jetpack Compose carries additional capabilities for today’s mobile app development. Such Android Jetpack strengths like code optimization and maintainability allow developers to create apps that could be more easily upgraded and scaled. 

Through case studies and experience-based practical recommendations, you have seen how Compose Android may boost the mobile app and its development process. Considering the UI customization and enrichment that Jetpack Compose offers, I advise our clients to include this toolkit in tech stack Android app development projects.

If you strive to take your mobile app to the next level by implementing Jetpack Compose and other advanced technologies, you need assistance from a trusted software partner like DashDevs. With more than 13 years of experience and over 500 software products delivered to clients worldwide, we are ready to assist you in building modern mobile apps that exceed user expectations!

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Table of contents
What is Jetpack Compose in Android?
Jetpack Compose is a declarative UI framework for native Android application development. It reduces boilerplate code and makes developing UIs easier and more flexible.
What is Jetpack Compose used for?
Jetpack Compose was designed to build Android application user interfaces (UIs). It enabled developers to define the UI elements in composable functions that are automatically recomposed any time the state changes.
What is Jetpack Compose vs Kotlin?
Jetpack Compose was coded in the Kotlin programming language. Kotlin is used to implement logic and write composable functions inside Jetpack Compose.
How to make a Jetpack app?
To create a Jetpack Compose app, start a new Android project in Android Studio, select the Compose template, and ensure you're using Kotlin. Define UI elements using Composable functions, manage state with remember and State classes, and preview your design. Finally, build and run the app on an Android device.
What is the difference between XML and Jetpack Compose?
Whereas XML is the markup language used to define static UI layouts, Jetpack Compose is built on Kotlin to support declarative APIs for dynamic UI updates that offer more flexible and reusable code.
What is a composable UI?
Composable UI means UI that is made up of composable functions, which form the reusable modular blocks of UI. Each composable function is a Kotlin function, which describes either a static UI view or a dynamic one based on an incoming state.
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