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Groundbreaking News in Fintech: 06.28 - 07.02


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This week, 06.28 - 07.02, isn’t primarily about June’s ending but more about tech- and finance-related milestones. Are you a lover of different professional conferences and festivals? Then this news digest will be your cup of tea! Without any more digression, let’s dive into the fintech events of this week with gusto!

Weekly Tech & BaaS News

VivaTech 2021: What’s It All About in the First Place?

Wanna know some news connected with the Paris-held VivaTech 2021? For those who aren’t familiar with it, VivaTech is the prominent tech startups event in Europe. This year the heated discussion revolved around the E3’s retro gaming products, London’s e-scooters boom, and Apple’s new video calls feature. Even these examples testify to the current tech race that is overwhelming the world scale. In this regard, Emmanuel Macron reveals France’s plan to develop more persistently in the tech sphere to fight for the country’s place in the sun. Will it come true, what do you think?

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VivaTech 2021: Are Big Tech Companies Too Selfish and Greedy?

The conference made a hit among the public leaders who saw the kernel of danger in the big techs’ new products. In contrast to the tech experts, the authorities identified the blow to democracy behind the latest innovations. Namely, one of the naysayers is Cédric O, France’s Secretary of State for the Digital Economy. He insists on the necessary regtech restrictions update to curb the tech industry’s ambitions. In his opinion, some companies care less about the common interest but are focused on revenue generation first. In this light, should the content be more strictly regulated too? And if so, how can it be done in the information-obsessed world we live in today?

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BaaS Is Finally Seen Positively After the Pandemic

The recent research on the perception of banking as a service disclosed its overall favorable aссeptance on the part of respondents. In particular, the most tangible BaaS-friendly geo locations are Hong Kong, the UAE, Singapore, and the UK. These countries are planning to invest and further evolve in the open banking sphere, believing that it helps both provide high-level service to present-day customers and strengthen the status of the modern financial services institutions. All in all, in the post-COVID-19 realities, this intention is more than acute and timely, isn’t it?

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Events & Shifted Perceptions that Cannot Be Ignored

Bitcoin Is No More a Unique Crypto Asset that Rules Globally

A decade ago the notion of cryptocurrency was branch-specific and far away from the massive understanding. Now the situation is different: it already becomes the wider and wider recognized asset alternative that floods the US, Chinese, and European financial markets. Even the valuation and market share percentage of cryptocurrencies undergo serious and quick changes. Can you imagine that Bitcoin’s crypto market share will lower from 70% to 40% for 7 months? But this what actually happened because Ethereum cut 15% for itself. As you see, the crypto market possessions are changing with the spreading of the new digital money types, and the absence of regulation for these currencies only contributes to this phenomenon.

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Lithium Will Become the Number One Metal of the Future

The fashion for electric scooters is covering all the world, starting with the US and being popularized in China and Europe. Why so? First comes the prevention of further pollution alongside the attempt to improve the current ecological state in the polluted regions. Second is the forthcoming car manufacturing trend that entails the gradual withdrawal of petrol and diesel transport vehicles from 2030 and on. BTW, Germany and the UK are the pioneers of this transformation. As a result, the mining of Lithium, from which the scooter’s battery is mostly composed, is noticeably revving. Though this metal isn’t drained out, its processing demands solid investment in infrastructure. Nevertheless, the prices of electric vehicles are steadily going down, which comes with a deeper comprehension of how to work with Lithium.

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Amazon in Germany: Another Blow to the Company’s Reputation

Germany is the second biggest trade platform of Amazon after the US, but the employees don’t seem to benefit from it in any way. Being tired of the long-term underpayment and intense workload conditions, the workers of 7 Amazon warehouses are intended to go on strike, being supported by the German trade union. And while we’re waiting for the corporation’s response, let’s remind you that last year unwrapped the argument over Amazon’s unpaid taxes and record-breaking sales. So, will the tech giant ultimately take responsibility for the betterment of the work conditions in Germany? What’s your stance on this?

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The AltFi Festival of Finance: Are You Open to Changes?

John Davies’ New Award 2021: Who Is Worth It?

We’re speaking about the Just Cashflow Perseverance and Determination Award 2021 that will be honored to the person showing maximum commitment and persistence within the ever-changing fintech environment. The candidates will be collected till the end of July and thoroughly examined till the beginning of September. For the time being, Davies cited the good examples of Esme Loans and Growth Street that coincide with the described ideal. If you’re the one who bravely says ‘yes’ to the new challenges and seeks effective and rapid solutions, you’ve got a chance to be included in the nominations list. Does this idea thrill you?

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Which European Player Is Currently Surpassing Its Fintech Opponents?

For a long time, it was London, and then the UK’s exit from the EU started to significantly interfere with this state of things. Well, the status of London still remains grounded, especially if minding the recent JP Morgan’s purchase of Nutmeg, a £700m deal, and recollecting that the UK is rich in fintechs’ landing. Meanwhile, the other European cities, such as Berlin and Amsterdam, are already stepping on London’s toes. That’s why, to sustain the leadership in Europe, London is obviously to pull all forces together and reconsider the existing strategies.

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Fintechs Run the World of Today: Ready to Join?

The AltiFi Festival of Finance ended up with the clear conclusion that the fintechs had confidently penetrated businesses all over the world. They’re everywhere! And according to a recent poll, 62% of respondents believe that the fintech companies will be at the top of the market in a decade. Backing to the present-day situation, there are 5 lords of the rings in fintech: Checkout.com. Plaid, Klarna, Nubank, and Stripe. Do you know the specifics and mission priorities of each of them? For instance, who’s famous for its virtual cards, and who’s dreaming to augment the GDP of the internet? Find it out right now!

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