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Is DashDevs Digest Your Cakewalk Through Fintech News?


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Do you keep your finger on the pulse of the latest banking and investment news? Are you familiar with the fresh changes in the crypto niche? And finally — would you like to be informed about all this stuff? If yes, our Dashdevs hot news selection is what you need! Without further ado, let’s cut to the chase!

Investment Questions to Answer with DashDevs

$60m on the New ETF-based Hedge Fund from Emles Advisors

This week Emles Advisors made the 7th attempt at launching the ETF-focused hedge fund strategy. In this case, the company is striving for bridging the gap between industrials, consumers, and investors. By this, Emles Advisors is planning to excel in the market owing to the better conditions for taxes, liquidity, and clarity of the whole cycle procedures. As the demand on the ETF segment raised to 8% (if we speak about the private equity assets), then the foreseeable future of alternative funding should be promising too, isn’t it?

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Is the Repo Market Worth Your Risk After the Pandemic?

Let’s start with the facts. May was notable for the lowering of bitcoin’s and other cryptocurrencies prices. June opened the heated debate on the inflation’s spike and the European Central Bank’s regulation updates. Meanwhile, despite the volatility in the digital assets market, many organizations, both European and American, have shown the steady, if not accelerated, tendencies of resorting to the repo market investment. Does such a form of trading performance justify the risk? Only time will tell!

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Fixed Income: Isn’t It All About Capital Right Now?

Though fixed income can still boast of its diversification function in asset allocation, many investors all over the world are no more limited to such a philosophy. Specifically, they’re also interested in the social and ecological value of investing. As a result, the current market shareholders exhibit the zest for bringing the benefit to the environment, government, or social institutions, which is coined as ESG. Will this change the whole revenue generation mechanism? Or will it strengthen the corporate culture? No one can say for sure, but for this to be more likely to happen, the ESG investors are to solve 3 obstacles: the lack of information disclosure on the topic, the absence of the formal agreement between investors and issuers, and the correlation with the credit ratings.

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Fintech Changes that Matter: Take a Look!

The Irish Fintech Layer Is Your Banking Risk & Failure Avoidance

Have you heard about Layer? It’s the Dublin-originated firm that entered the fintech market with the upgrade solution for the banks’ IT infrastructure. The service relates solely to the existing banks and now is on the way to spreading its geography to European and North American marketplaces. If you expect to make your physical bank totally digital, that’s not the case with Layer. It has a narrower specialization, normally connected with creating the new online products for the bank within a half a year time limits. Seeking digital advice in banking? Join the row of the Layer’s clients, and refine your IT systems for further success!

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Apple Pay Is Added to the Credit Unions’ Accounts: Security Is the #1 Issue

Credit unions, which are specialized in lending accounts, recently added Apple Pay to their banking options. The greater part of trust behind this decision comes from Apple Pay’s security standards: it’s supplied with Face ID, Touch ID, or passcode authentication, which altogether sustains the banking provider’s reputation. The rest is based on the contactless purchases option, the low monthly payment (only €4 — best offer in the market), and overdraft opportunities. As a result of this collaboration, the credit unions are expecting to focus more on SME lending and mortgages.

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The Going-Out Economy Flourishes after the Long Restrictions

The ESRI research indicates that the consumers’ spending activities have accelerated immensely in 2021 as a result of the long pandemic leisure and shopping limitations. Thus, the reopening of some entertainment and retail areas has already made such a hit around people (at least those who have gathered some savings during the lock-down time) and is expected to rise by 8.5pc in 2022. The outcomes of the trend are viewed in a positive light: smoother businesses flow, lower unemployment rate, and lesser expenses on the part of the government. Sounds good?

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Crypto News that Will Make Your Brain Busy

Coinbase: Is it a Crypto Success Case or Another Risky Affair?

To find an answer to this controversy, let’s recollect the story of the Coinbase foundation. Brian Armstrong had the two-folded mission while seed funding into the new crypto assets type: to ensure better security for users’ private keys and to reinforce the partnership ties with government regulators. While the former is the paramount requirement for risk management in using cryptocurrency, the latter has met severe criticism connected with breaking the idea of banks-free dependency. Nevertheless, Armstrong’s initial plans seem to work out as today Coinbase is valued at $46 billion, being the largest exchange in the US.

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Bitcoin Is Officially Legalized in El Salvador: Who Will Follow the Initiative?

This week El Salvador is one of the most discussed topics on the fintech agenda. Why did it dare to proclaim Bitcoin as the legal currency on the national scale? The answer lays in the noticeable growth of crypto popularity in Latin America. The supporters of Bitcoin appreciate its unregulated and decentralized format, which opens the door of opportunity for both rich and poor. While convenience and equality act as the key drivers of change, the lack of intermediaries between peers is never forgotten too. Consequently, though El Salvador is the pioneer, Argentina, Panama, Brazil, and Paraguay are now underway for the crypto-friendly laws’ introduction. Would Central and South American share these countries’ enthusiasm too?

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CBDCs vs. Bitcoin: Which One Is the Better Choice?

The major distinction between these 2 currencies is hidden in the relationship with the central bank. In fact, in contrast to Bitcoin, CBDCs undergo centralization, as they’re basically the digital analogue of the central bank-issued cash, either in the form of a token or an electronic record. Being extremely popular in Sweden, now CBDCs attract the attention of the other European banks. And despite it appearing good for the eurozone’s fintechs’ boost, we should also consider its macroeconomic repercussions. What will happen to traditional commercial banking? Would the data privacy be kept properly? Will it increase money laundering instances? Obviously, these and other nuances should be elaborated first before starting the CDDCs’ expansion in Europe.

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Hey, have you enriched your knowledge of cryptocurrencies and seen the principal difference between them? Or have you got the specifics under the repo market, hedge funds, or fixed income? If you have any questions left, check the DashDevs services and know that we’ll clear the air for you!

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